Friday, November 2, 2007

Dark side of a human

Many of us might be carrying the thought of what we could have done to erase the dark side of our life, which probably no one else on this earth has an idea about. But, we never realize that things can’t be undone. I should fairly confess that this blog has nothing to do with the dark side of human beings, though the title says so. The dark side signifies something else. Something everyone can see. Something that starts traveling with all the living creatures from the day they’re born. Not only the living creatures, it also gets attached to the non-living stuffs. In short, as long as there is a source of light on this earth, every real thing will continue to be haunted by this dark follower. We call it ‘The Shadow’.

We never attached much importance to our own shadows. We rarely notice it falling on the ground when something obstructs the light path. For us, it’s something like nothing. It means nothing to us, for it doesn’t involve any complex processes to produce a shadow. But, the shadows governed the earth time in the early days when people believed that Sun Clocks could really spell them the correct time of the day. This would be one of the most revolutionary discovery that was made out of what we today think is least significant and useless. Ancestors are really brilliant.

Now, let’s target the historical part of the shadows. In the olden days, people considered those creatures, which had no contact with their own shadows, while moving, as evils that symbolized satanic forces. This means, birds, which fly all the time, were descendents of an evil force. That makes me wonder whether those people had never seen a crow or an owl sitting on a tree trunk during daytime. Later, when big minds started thinking about renaissance and development of social culture, people realized that shadows are no evil forces and that even the eclipses that occur were results of formation of shadows of heavenly bodies. There ends the myth.

Let’s come back to 2007. As it had been mentioned earlier, shadows have the least significance now. But, the encouraging fact is that a large number of computer-users like adding the Shadow effect to their text and pictures since it makes them look highlighted. There're quite a large number of people who do tricks with their fingers in front of a candle light to make sensible images on the screen in the front. These are the most creative works done out of shadows. It’s something that stays with you all the time. No matter whether you’re dead or alive, shadows prove to be your best buddy who follows you all the time, till you turn off the lights and hit the bed at nights. As long as you are fine, you move. And as long as you move, your shadow follows you. It’s so innocent that it won’t react when you get hurt or when you are in agony or in pain. It’s so sensitive that it watches even the smallest move you make and does the same, the same way. Beware. You are being eyed by your dark side round the clock.

It’s so humble that it always stays at your feet, unless you go upside down. We make it a complex world by studying multi-dimensions and we even call it a 3 Dimensional world. The most astounding characteristic of the shadows is that they remain in the same old Two Dimensional world, be it a thin paper or a three dimensional object that blocks the light path. They prove to be so simple.

Colors make the world real and lively. May be that’s the reason we ignore this best friend of a man, for it is always dark. I wonder I had a colorful shadow. It’s so patient that it never takes it back on us even when we step on it all the time when we walk. It never gets hurt when we try making it wet in rains and make it boil under the sun. Who else can you imagine to be more patient than this? Though it’s the dark side of the humans, it’s probably the best part of the glorious green earth since it is found everywhere. I really wish I had a colorful shadow…


Unknown said...

Hi Brand H,
....Though a simple topic, there are some more.. i wud lik to add up,,.....
we always feel the shadows of our own desires stand between us and our better angels.. really thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler....We can leave it behind us if we wish!!!!

vignesh said...

a very dark topic written in a lighter sense, well done keep it up.

Brand H said...

@ M..
hey thanx again for such a motivatin n supportin comment.
as u ve mentioned, thoughts r de shadows of our feelings n there r every possiblities of these desires comin true..
gud thinkin..
keep commentin..thanx again..

Brand H said...

@ piquance

yup..a dark topic..i agree wit tat..
thank u for commentin on it n understandin my efforts to lighter
keep commentin..:)

Meenu said...

before i started to read d blog, i thought the topic was a little vague, but then after math, i was schocked.. thought it was his wonderful innovations that had made the topic really interestin and of curz informative... one of his best blogs,i shud say.. good job man!! keep going!!

Jil Jil Ramamani said...

Reminds me of this poem I read sometime back by Adam Gibbs

If it won't leave me alone it's no surprise that I'm shrill
but to no avail, my shadow follows me still.
When sunlight reveals my frown, that only fills it with glee.
Yet on a moonlit night it never fails to locate me.
Until my shadow appears the only thing that is true
appearing in a flash on any wall within view.
But increasingly I realise that it is pleasing after all
to have such a constant companion, then I recall
that the only times my shadow has left me alone
have been the darkest times that I have known.
And so it fills me with delight to have my shadow about
for it completes my world, without a doubt.

Brand H said...

@ Meenakshi mohan

thank u for such a kool comment..
its a great honor to receive a comment frm a blogstar lik u..
i ve read all ur blogs..
ur modesty pays u..
as u ve mentioned, its indeed a vague topic..
thank u for callin me innovative n creative..:)
n thanx for callin it one of my best blogs..keep commentin..

Brand H said...

@ hakuna matata
i don need an introduction to ur blogs..
writing extremely gud n kool blogs is ur way of bloggin..
it reflects in ur comment..
de poem tat u ve penned down for a comment is kool..
feelin great to hear tat a well-known poet like Adam Gibbs carride de same thoughts as i did while bloggin abt shadows..
de truth is, i dono who is he..but de way u came out wit his poem makes me feel tat he is one well-known poet..
thanx for ur comment..
do keep

Anonymous said...

Hi..this post is jus another very gud example which shows that ur creativity,imaginations,dexterity and ur thoughts have got no boundaries!!!great going....simply superb!!:):)

Brand H said...

@ harini..
thannx for ur comments..
i read ur blog wich was even more creative, informative n interestin..
keep commentin..
do keep bloggin..